A progressive Christian community grounded in faith and mission in our community. At the heart of who we are is an understanding that at Trinity United everyone belongs...just as they are. Five core values guide us: Living Faith; Inclusive Fellowship; Joyful Service; Being Anti-racist; and Affirming All 


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Join us for our Lenten book study on zoom (I'm a link) or in person in the youth room Mondays at 3:30pm!



Special thanks to Chuck Chin for the banner photograph


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Lenten Resources

Check out our lenten resources which include spiritual practices, faithful pauses, and more!

Lent Resouces
Performing Arts Series
Knox Performance Centre

Trinity United and Community Arts Council of Prince George & District proudly announce the much anticipated second season of the Performing Arts Series (2024-2025), set to grace the stage this September. With a curated selection of world-class performers and ground-breaking productions, this season promises to be a celebration of cultural excellence and artistic innovation. Get your early bird season pass at knoxcentre.ca!

Faithful Pause

Each week we create a short video to reflect on. Get comfortable and ground yourself with this weeks Faithful Pause.

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