It has been another day of rapid change as our community hears about the latest implications of COVID-19.
Last night our Board met and made several decisions related to COVID-19 and our Trinity United community:
In the meantime, we continue to be The Church. We continue to be community. We continue to be Trinity United.
By now some of you will have received calls from our Pastoral Care Team. They are collecting emergency contact information, mostly for people who are living alone as part of a ‘best practices’ emergency preparedness protocol. If you are comfortable sharing this information, it will be kept strictly confidential and only used in case of an emergency. It’s one way we can make sure we are caring for one another.
We are still doing worship…just online!
We’ve started a program called Wednesday Worship, which you can access by clicking HERE. It will be available by 12noon each Wednesday. Sunday worship will still happen at 10am. You can access it by clicking HERE. We’re also inviting everyone to hold Trinity United, Prince George, and our global community in prayer each evening at 8pm and light a candle in a window. Rev. Bob will be hosting evening prayer at 8pm on our Facebook page. You can find it by clicking HERE.
Our community still needs your financial support. Even as we shift things on-line and limit our in-person activities, our expenses don’t really change. If anything, post-COVID-19 (yes that day will come) we’re expecting an increased need for our presence in PG and around the world. If you can, please drop off your weekly offerings using the mail slot at the main office at 3555 5th Ave. (it’s located lower left of the main entrance). Consider dropping off postdated cheques to cover the next 4-6 weeks (or 2 months if you donate monthly). Join PAR by clicking HERE, or donate regularly online by clicking HERE.
We know these are challenging times with lots of anxiety, worry, and uncertainty. Businesses are shutting down, boarders are closing, restaurants and coffee shops are take-out only, schools are closed, and people are self-isolating. In the midst of it all, it is very important that we stay in touch with one another and root ourselves in the way of Jesus. It’s important that we take the steps each of us needs to remain healthy, not panic, and be community.
Jesus reminds us to “not be afraid”, so let us connect with one another. Support one another. Pray for and with one another. Let us be Trinity United.
In hope and faith,
Gabriele Slater
(Board Chairperson)
Rev. Bob Fillier
(Lead Minister)