Starting December 1st, 2024 a growing list of Advent and Christmas resources will be available here.

Check back each week to rediscover parts of our theme Words for the Beginning during the season of Advent and ground ourselves in the spiritual practices of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love over the course of the Advent season .


Check out our 'Greener Advent Calendar' and Guided Advent Journal and Advent Children's Colouring Pages at the links at the bottom of the page!


Looking to get in the spirit of Advent and Christmas? Stream our spotify music playlists!

A resource from our AV person is our spotify playlist of recommended Christmas Tunes and Carols made from favourites and reccomendations from our folks in our local Community of Faith. 

Here's another playlist from the good folks over at You can find it here on spotify.

Advent Conspiracy - Worship Fully Playlist

Moderator's Advent Message

Advent Reflections with National Church Leaders


Looking for our Advent Faithful Pauses?

When Will You Be Back | Faithful Pause Advent 2

Doing The Good That's Ours To Do | Faithful Pause Advent 3

Advent 4 | Faithful Pause